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Friday, December 21, 2012

Interference on 3780 KHz by National Broadcasting Station ERA of South Aegean

Until recently, one of Greece's National Broadcasting MW Radio Stations, called ERA of South Aegean (or ERA of Rhodes, for some!!), transmitted with power output of 100 KW on 1494Khz AM.

So far, OK ...

They decided, for some reason not known to me, to QSY their TX frequency to 1260KHz. They kept on announcing the frequency change from all their official frequencies (on AM/FM/SW).

The QSY took place a few days ago and guess what ... I tuned my FT-2000`s receiver on 75m band and ... there it is ... the proud and strong 3rd harmonic of ERA is right on 3780KHz (1260 x 3) with a nice 5/9+30db carrier ...

Actually, I get a 5/9 interference carrier from 3774 to 3786 (when in AM) and from 3772 to 3789.5 (when in LSB).

My QTH`s distance from the antennas of ERA is about 3 kilometers, but several other radio amateurs from our area that live farther, have cross-checked and confirmed the exact same interference.

Obviously we are in front of a known-source RF interference which is conflicting with the Amateur Radio Service. And, of course, it is not hard to guess that no study has been elaborated, in order to find out about this conflict, before deciding the change of frequency.

It is just funny, because Amateur Radio Community has battled hard to get broadcast stations off the 40m band, with obvious positive results, and now, for no reason, another QRO broadcasting station`s harmonics are invading our authorized and worldwide legally authenticated radio spectrum.

Just have in mind that in accordance with the official IARU Region 1 Band Plan, the portion of 3700-3800 KHz is preferred for SSB contest operation, and most important, 3760 KHz is Region 1 Emergency Centre of Activity which could easily be interfered by the aforementioned harmonic. Moreover, the portion of 3775-3800 Khz is used by priority for Intercontinental Activity (DX).

The HQ of RAAG has been informed by me on this issue and they are going to take imminent and evasive action about it.

More news to follow ...

Stay tuned!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

1st Balkan HST Championship - Letter of Intent

As European Communications Manager of Greek Telegraphy Club, I was sent via e-mail the official invitation (Letter of Intent) for the 1st Balkan HST Championship, to be held during May 31st, 2013 - June 2nd, 2013 in Lovech, Bulgaria.

The President of the Organizing Committee is Panayot Danev, LZ1US and BFRA is the Organizing Authority.

You may read the relevant LoI by clicking here.

Unless something serious will be in the way, I will be there and participate in the Males category.

73s from Rhodes Isl.
Stathis, SV5DKL

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

WAE-TOP Plaque has arrived !! Trilogy is now complete!!

The last part of my DARC's Trophy plaques trilogy has arrived just yesterday in the mail.

WAE-TOP Plaque Nr. 143 in Mixed Modes is now in its well-belonged home and will be added soon with its sister plaques of EU-DX-D 1000 Trophy and DARC's Europa 300 Trophy at my Trophies wall decoration. The Trilogy has been completed !!

Application, check and completion was done solely through DARC's DCL online system (again !!), with no paperwork involved at all !!

Wolf, DF8AA, thank you for your fine service. Really looking forward to obtaining the WAE-Trophy plaque, as well.

Monday, November 26, 2012

21000 LotW confirmations !!

Especially after uploading the log of my CQ WW SSB 2012 participation, my LotW confirmations reached today the 21000 mark out of 80492 total uploaded QSOs. Almost 1 out pf 3,83 QSOs uploaded is already confirmed for me.

Of course, this also had a good impact on my DXCC & DXCC Challenge totals:

Also, Logger32 shows SV5DKL has reached 1969 worked DXCC Challenge points, so there is lot of work to be done in order to confirm the missing ones.

I have also updated my current DXCC scores, which you may view by clicking at "My DXCC Scores" link under "My Pages" section at the right part of this blog.

73s from Rhodes Island.
Stathis, SV5DKL

Friday, November 23, 2012

My Awards

It was about time I uploaded and shared my several awards acquired over all these years since 1994, when I first entered the world of Amateur Radio.

Sorted basically by contest and non-contest awards, you may view some of them by clicking either the following link:

or by clicking the respective link under "My Pages" section at the right-hand side of this blog.
I hope you will like my collection and find it interesting.
Though it is not complete yet, I will try to update it to date, as soon as possible and as my free time permits.
73s from Rhodes Island
Stathis, SV5DKL

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

No more $$$ Green Stamps, PSE !!!

Well, if things were different I should be blowing my hats off !!

But, it's been just over a fortnight since CQ WW SSB 2012 Contest, and I have already received over 200 direct QSL requests !!

OK, I know propagation was good, I know that for lots of you guys I have been a new one on 10m, I know that many of you have never received your preciously awaited QSL from some other SV5 station in the past, even after sending your valued Green Stamps and your SASE, but ...

I must have got almost 350 Green Stamps (USD) and about 40-50 IRCs from those direct requests. Now, I have to reply to all (200) and if you deduct the ones that will be exchanged with a mailing stamp, I have to pay for the other (about) 150. And I have to pay in EUR. To be honest, Green Stamps are useless to me. After all, I don't belong to the group of G.S. collectors nor am I making a second by-income out of our beautiful hobby.
So, here is my preposition which is in line with my long ago stated QSL policy through this blog ( :
If you only need a confirmation of our QSO for your ARRL DXCC awards, you just have to be a member of ARRL's LotW (Logbook of the World), which is an innovative, free and very efficient solution for your online QSO confirmations. I am uploading my logs every week, so if you've worked me, you'll have the QSO confirmed for sure !!
On the other hand, if you belong to the old-school and want to have my paper QSL in your collection, just send me your card with your SASE and an IRC, no USD, no GBP, no coins, no gold/silver, etc. An IRC is the best solution for me; it even makes the whole procedure faster when at the Post Office. As stated in my QSL policy, all incoming direct requests are being answered within a week's time, provided the above are met.
For your convenience, here is a sample of a valid IRC, currently being accepted:

Of course, I also reply to bureau cards, but I scarcely receive cards from that direction, about 1-2 times per year. So the turnaround for your bureau QSL request could take up at least 1-1,5 years. However, every QSL card received is being answered exactly the same way it reached me, so even through QSL bureau, eventually you are going to get my card.

Again, please have in mind that I am NOT interested in Green Stamps and I don't make on-air traffic for extra income. I am enjoying radio as every one of us and I am always happy to give a "new one" LotW confirmation (and not only !!). Many have emailed me about this QSLing "attitude", congratulating, etc. , but I have always replied that I am just doing what is common sense.


Stathis, SV5DKL



Thursday, November 8, 2012

CQ WW SSB 2012 - Contest Audio extracts

As promised in my November 1st. post, and after a few days of continuous audio editing, plus some of my favourite statistics analysis, here are a few extracts of what went on in SV5DKL's radio station, during the CQ WW SSB 2012 contest:

First of all, CBSW was used to create a few interesting statistics concerning our rate. These are:

The best 60 minute rate was 263/hour from 1047 to 1146
The best 30 minute rate was 304/hour from 1036 to 1105
The best 10 minute rate was 324/hour from 1036 to 1045

The best 1 minute rates were:

 9 QSOs/minute    1 times.
 8 QSOs/minute    0 times.
 7 QSOs/minute    7 times.
 6 QSOs/minute   30 times.
 5 QSOs/minute   73 times.
 4 QSOs/minute  110 times.
 3 QSOs/minute  146 times.
 2 QSOs/minute  227 times.
 1 QSOs/minute  391 times.

----------------- C o n t i n e n t   S u m m a r y -----------------
                     160     80     40     20     15     10  Total    Pct
North America    0       0       0      0       0     487  487   20.9
South America   0       0       0      0       0       84    84    3.6
Europe              0       0       0      0       0   1232 1232   53.0
Asia                 0       0       0      0       0     459   459   19.7
Africa               0       0       0      0       0       30    30     1.3
Oceania            0       0       0      0       0       32    32     1.4
???                  0       0       0      0       0         2      2     0.1
Total               0        0       0      0       0    2326  2326   100

(Unknown contacts were TO9R and TO2A not known by CBSW)

Number of letters in callsigns
Letters  # worked
   3        20
   4       624
   5       822
   6       840
   7         6
   8         6
   9         5
  10         2

And then, here are the best 10 minute and best 30 minute rate contest audio clips (Best viewed with Google Chrome):

Best 10 minute rate (324Qs/hr.):

Best 30 minute rate (304Qs/hr):

I really hope you will enjoy my contest operation style !!

Also, you may freely visit the following URL:

and enter your callsign in the respective field to listen to our contest QSO !!

Feel free to drop any comments on the above.

73s fm Rhodes Isl. (EU-001)
Stathis, SV5DKL

Thursday, November 1, 2012

CQ WW SSB 2012 - SOSB(A)/10 HP

I would be really happy to participate in this year's CQ WW SSB contest with the "dream-team" of J42T @ SV2BFN as M/2 with good friends, but their open invitation came too late (19/Oct/2012) and although I tried to organize all local obligations (family, QRL, tickets, etc.) it was very hard to put everything in order, so sadly I had to call SV2GWY on the 20th October and cancel my participation. Count me in for next year, guys !!

After that, plans and preparations were made to take part as SOSB(A)/10 HP from my home QTH for as many hours as I could, due to several other obligations.

CQ WW SSB 2012 was a very interesting experience for me, as I limited my participation to 25,5 hours in total, with many interruptions in between for home shopping, playing with my baby daughter, going out for a coffee, and others ...
Still, I managed to make 2332 QSOs (including 6 dupes) with 37 zones and 151 DXCCs, resulting in 850,000 points total score, with some of the best and huge pileups I have ever experienced !!

I will soon post audio clips from my pileups, with 10-12 QSOs per minute rates. Again, JAs and Ks proved to be the most disciplined operators worldwide.

Setup used was: Yaesu FT-2K, SPE Expert 1K-FA, Cushcraft A3S, Writelog for Windows and a box of Red Bull cans ...

First QSO was with BD7IS on Saturday at 0406z and last was with I0UZF on Sunday at 2030z, beaming to North Pole (!!) with peculiar propagation to EU.

Time for my favourite part ... the statistics (!!!):

Here is my continental QSO dispersion:
10M QSOs

Following is the Contest Log analysis made with a great online tool by DL0CW:

 And a few interesting statistics for DXCC/Points/Zones per hour:

 Finally, some statistics produced by a good friend of mine in the US:

QSOs per hour - Cumulative:
QSOs per hour - Line graph:
QSOs per hour - Trend graph:
QSOs per zone:
QSOs per zone - Bar graph:
I have to express my sincere congratulations to EU stations that outscored me and made it over the 1Mio points mark.
Also, I have thank my good friend Bill, SV5AZP, who wasn't aware I was running on 10m and when I called him, he offered to change band. What I told him was that there was no need to act as such and that he should stay and call as long as he wished, because CONTESTING IS AN OPEN GAME and FREE TO EVERY PARTICIPANT, as long as the official rules as followed.
10m has been absolutely open according to what HamCap propagation tool had suggested a couple of days before the contest. It was the first time I have ever worked so many (and loud!) XEs, Zone 3s and KH6s. Sadly, I never heard KL7RadioAlaska for zone 1, I missed ZL1BYZ LP for double mult of Zone 32 (just heard a whisper of "BYZ" for just a second !!) and I heard (or saw in the DXcluster) nobody from Zone 37.
Last, but not least, I am preparing an online searchable database for my contest audio recordings. It is 95% ready and it will be complete very soon. A link to it will be posted on the present blog, as soon as it is up and running. So, everyone will have the chance to listen to our contest QSOs and even download them as an audio clip for their file.
Finally, despite this has been a part-time participation for me, I hope that in the CW leg I will be able to run full-time. That is, if I take part from my QTH, because there also is an invitation from the boyz at SZ1A to join them !!
73s to all and GL with the results.
Stathis, SV5DKL

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Worked All Germany (WAG) this weekend !!

Coming up this weekend (20-21/10/2012) is the 2012 Worked All Germany (WAG) Contest. Duration is 24 hours, starting 1500z on Saturday until 1459z on Sunday.
The objective ... easy. For non-DL stations, just work DLs with different DOKs as multipliers. DLs work the world, but with their independent ruling/scoring.
During the previous years' WAG contests, there was significant confusion with stations participating in JOTA (Jamboree On The Air scouting activity), that led many OPs to getting is with most contest-weekends nowadays...
DARC, that is organizing the WAG Contest, has included in 2012's rules the following recommendations:
According to IARU recommendations operation should be avoided outside contest-preferred segments. To reduce interference with the participants of JOTA contest operation is not allowed in the following contest-free sections:
80m: CW - 3560 - 3800 kHz, SSB – 3650 – 3700 kHz
40m: CW - 7040 - 7200 kHz, SSB – 7080 – 7140 kHz
20m: CW - 14060 - 14350 kHz, SSB – 14100 – 14125 kHz and 14280 – 14350 kHz
15m: SSB – 21350 – 21450 kHz
10m: SSB – 28225 – 28400 kHz
It is the least they could do to give a guiding line to the potential participants and they have my kudos for that.
Btw, here is my pdf certificate for my participation in 2010's WAG Contest:
I believe that in the future, there should be a more "handy" prize for the winners of WAG contest categories.
My participation in 2012 WAG Contest will be time-limited to evening hours mostly and possibly in CW only category.
CU there!
73s de Stathis, SV5DKL

Monday, October 8, 2012

2nd GTC CW Cup - Again ... a success !!

The 2nd GTC CW Cup held on 6 & 7 October is now over and was most enjoyed by all participants.

Many logs have already been received, mostly by non-SV participants, and from their included comments derives that the scope of GTC CW Cup was met and CW was once more well advertised.

Personally, as GTC CW Cup Contest Manager, I have to thank each and every one of you guys that have taken part in this year's event of the Greek Telegraphy Club and I assure you that the GTC CW Cup Contest Committee will again do its best to organize an even better 3rd GTC CW Cup next year.
Although I had few hours available to participate I managed to make 102 QSOs, at least half of them with GTC members. software which supported GTC CW Cup, provided by Kresimir, 9A5K, worked flawlessly at my side and integrated DXCluster, Rig control and CW keying+messages with no problems.

The only issue during the event, was the TRC Contest held during the exact same period with the GTC CW Cup, which caused a bit of confusion to some participants. After all, the TRC committee announced their contest dates quite late, even after we had published the official rules & dates of the 2nd GTC CW Cup.

2nd GTC CW Cup rules and info were populated and "marketed" this year especially well, to CW clubs, National Amateur Radio Organizations, IARU, online Contest Calendars, CW enthusiasts worldwide, Amateur Radio magazines and of course, our GTC members list.

Nonetheless, the editor of an amateur radio magazine, who always erroneously insists on "Reference to the Source" for his magazine's articles that are published elsewhere, has included the 2nd GTC CW Cup announcement info, as it was sent out originally, but with modified text and not mentioning the Reference to the Source he got it from. It was the only case of this issue, amongst the vast amateur radio media worldwide. Let's hope next time his own rules will be followed.

I have to congratulate DK4WF, IK0EFR, SV1/SV2KBS, SV4FFL and SV8GKE for keeping up the pace and bearing with me working them in 4 out of 5 bands.

I wish Good Luck with the results to all participants and after the first fortnight of November 2012, all submitted logs will be published at the official site of GTC CW Cup:

For the preliminary and final results after cross-checks, you will have to wait a bit more ...

73s/55s de Stathis, SV5DKL

Friday, October 5, 2012

3D2C is over !! Great job !!

Dr. Hrane, YT1AD and his team did it again !! The Southern Pacific DXpeditioners gave us again a nice new one for our DXCC.

3D2C Conway Reef DXpedition is over after making in total 71.963 QSOs in HF+6m bands. QSO dispersion was almost equal between EU, AS and NA, although Conway is located in one of the farthest areas for EU and AS.

I was lucky enough to work 3D2C in 7 bands (80m-10m, missing 30m) in SSB/CW modes, although I also wanted at least a QSO in digi modes.

Below is my search result from 3D2C web site:

3D2C Log Search Results for SV5DKL
Number of QSO(s) including dupe: 10

OC-112 from Conway was also a new IOTA for my log, currently measuring 380 worked IOTAs in total.

What was particularly interesting from my side, as far as 3D2C operation is concerned, was the huge signal coming in from Short Path, almost each day on 15m SSB !! The S-meter was always at s8-s9, peaking +10db/+20db at times.
Also, while HamCap showed non-existent propagation from my part of the world to Conway on 40 and 80 meters, I was able to work them in both bands at late afternoon hours, before even my sunset.

Overall, I believe experience counts. And, for sure, Hrane knows what to do in order to make a DXpedition a big success.

Looking forward to next year's Southern Pacific DXpedition from the Boyz, another new one will be much appreciated.

73s from Rhodes Isl.

Stathis, SV5DKL

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


In regard to my 20th August 2012 post, the EURD Trophy serial nr. 125 has finally arrived and already set atop the highest shelf of my showcase.

The Trophy itself is BIG, HEAVY and BEAUTIFUL.

Here are a few shots of it for your delight:


As far as I'm concerned, this is one of the most beautiful Amateur Radio Trophies around, and what's most important, is that by using DARC's DCL online system, it was so easy to check, apply and acquire EURD Trophy and not only that. 
Again, many thanks to Peter, DO1NPF, for making it so easy for me to apply and guiding me through the whole process. Also, big thanks to DK5PZ for his extreme efforts to produce a highly appreciable Trophy.
Last, but not least, just yesterday I have received most needed QSL cards from SV2ASP/A (Mt. Athos) and ZB2FX (Gibraltar) for confirmation of my last two WAE entities, required by WAE award manager Wolf, DF8AA, in order to confirm and proceed my application through DARC' DCL for the WAE-TOP Plaque.
Coming soon ...
73s from Rhodes Isl.
Stathis, SV5DKL

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Antennas' Performance

My most recent antenna installation upgrade was a new MAAS X-300N V/U vertical. With an overall length of 3,30m, this vertical is working very nicely, paired to my Yaesu FT-8800R and I am currently using it for my APRS Server (see

Special care was taken for the insulation of all joints and bare parts of the antenna to protect from humidity, sea salts and salty air. A layer of hydrophobic adhesive tape was applied on all those parts, then a double layer of 3M rubber self-amalgamating tape, then a single layer of good quality PVC electrical tape and on top of those, I installed a thick heat-shrinking tube.

Coaxial cable used was Belden H100 terminated with Ultimax N-Type connectors at both ends.

Here is how the antenna's SWR measures across 2m & 70cm amateur bands:

My older Diamond X-300N in its new higher position and after maintenance, measures the following SWR across 2m & 70cm amateur bands:

And, finally, my trustworthy Cushcraft A3S still performs as per manufacturer's specifications and exhibits the following SWR across 20m/15m/10m amateur bands:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

6m / VHF / UHF New Antenna System Complete !!

It was about time I completed a decent 6m & up antenna installation. There was only one spot on my rooftop where I could install the new setup, with minimum coax length and good height from ground level and other surroundings.
A 4el 50Mhz LFA-LN Innovantenna was purchased mid-summer, together with a TennaMast rotator cage, which was a must and made my life much easier.
Two VHF yagi antennas were available and a terrific idea from my good friend Denis, SV5FRD, came up for discussion and study ... to interlace the two yagis, but with different polarization ... Theory was brought down to paper and related literature was downloaded and studied, only to prove that since the elements and the boom of the two antennas would not be in touch with each other, no side-effect on radiation pattern or performance would be present.
So, beginning last Friday, struggling with hot sun and wind gusts, my installation was complete by late Sunday evening.
Below you may see how it looks now:

Total height from rooftop level to the top of the X-300N V/U vertical is 11m. From top to bottom installed are:
Diamond X-300N V/U vertical
10el VHF yagi by Winkler in horizontal polarization
9el VHF yagi by ECO in vertical polarization
4el 50Mhz LFA-LN Innovantenna
Rotator cage by TennaMast
Alliance HD-73 rotator

The mast and the pylon used were of the same material, 48,1mm outside diameter heavy duty galvanized water steel pipe.

Here are a few more shots of the new installation:

In the middle photo above you may see at the background my Cushcraft A3S HF tribander on the main tower.

All mounting hardware and ropes for guying were purchased by Mastrant. Excellent materials, built to last long enough !! Choice of Mastrant's eye bolts + rope clips + turnbuckles proved to be the best combination.

Below, you may see details of the 4el 50Mhz LFA-LN Innovantenna during construction and testing:

Notice the flat aluminum bar going from the 'hot' feed point to the front part of the boom (provided with antenna). This is, in fact, an antenna balun, providing a DC ground on the boom of the antenna itself, thus significantly reducing interferences and noise floor. Also, notice the thick insulators of the elements, they are a great addition to the antenna value, also. Boom is 3,35m long and tuning was done by moving in-out the side aluminums of the driven loop.
This antenna has tuned better than manufacturer's specs ... it shows 1,1:1 VSWR from 50.000 to 50.400 and at 50.800 it shows a 1,4 to 1,5 max VSWR. Sadly, 6m propagation has been absent here the last few days, so not any on-air tests to check F/B and side-lobe attenuation were done yet. Stay tuned for more info on those, later on...

Below is the test position of the 2m/70cm setup, before raising it up the mast:

All three 2m/70cm antennas were already installed here before, so I really had to deal with salt and rust that they had acquired.
The 'kitchen medicine' did it again ... CaCO3 with white vinegar sprayed on the spots in need, effected in less than 3 hours, after which I was able to clean thoroughly and very easy all contacts and aluminum joints. After that, WD-40 was applied throughout those spots and when that dried up, a dehydrant adhesive tape (purchased in Friedrichshafen 2010) was used to protect the spots. On top of it, a thin layer of black silicone filler was applied and at the end two layers of good quality PVC electrical tape with wire strips was installed.
Using antenna analyzer MFJ-259B with a short coaxial showed that the 2 yagis had been tuned as desired. The 10el Winkler shows no more than 1.6:1 at 146.000 and 1.3:1 at 144.000
The 9el ECO shows no more than 1.7:1 at 146.000 and 1.2:1 at 144.000 (exhibits 1:1 at 145.000 exactly !!). The Diamond X-300N shows some higher SWR at both band's edges, but it is OK around 145.100 and 435.500, so no big worries. Anyway, it had so much salt concetrated around its base, that I didn't think it would tune any more ...

Coaxials used were:

H100 by Belden with Amphenol connectors for the X-300N
RG-213C/U by Belden with Amphenol connectors for the two VHF yagis
RG-213C/MIL (made in Italy) with Schuner connectors for the 50Mhz yagi.

I am really looking forward to extensively test the new antennas. I hope the propagation will help me, too!!

Stathis, SV5DKL

DXCC Challenge 1300 points barrier broken ... next target ... 1400 points!!

7O6T uploaded their logs to LotW yesterday ... giving me a whooping 9 new bandslots for my DXCC Challenge. This way, I broke the 1300 points barrier I had set as my previous target:

Your Logbook DXCC Account (SV5DKL - DODECANESE)

Account Status

Award Selected Applied Awarded Total / Current
Mixed 160 0 100 260 / 258
CW 243 0 0 243 / 241
Phone 204 0 0 204 / 202
Digital * 33 0 100 133 / 133
160M 66 0 0 66 / 66
80M 109 0 1 110 / 110
40M 154 0 5 159 / 157
30M 103 0 2 105 / 104
20M 118 0 57 175 / 174
17M 127 0 3 130 / 130
15M 190 0 27 217 / 216
12M 130 0 2 132 / 132
10M 177 0 3 180 / 179
6M 38 0 0 38 / 38
2M 2 0 0 2 / 2
Challenge 1206 0 100 --- / 1306
* = Award has been issued
Next target set is 1400 points ... I hope all major recent DXpeditions will
upload their logs to LotW soon enough !!
73s from Rhodes Island.
Stathis, SV5DKL

Thursday, August 23, 2012

They just keep on coming ...

Awards and Trophies applied online through DARC's DCL web site just keep arriving in the mailbox !!

Today, it was the turn of EU-DX-D 1000 Trophy to arrive.

Dietmar, DL3DXX, was super fast and accurate on checking my application, approving it, providing for fees and shipment info, and shipping it to me.

So, now I am proud owner of EU-DX-D 1000 Trophy Plaque with serial number 122 in Mixed Mode, the two sides of which you may check out hereafter:

Accompanying the EU-DX-D 1000 Trophy, Dietmar included also a beautiful DARC badge with the EU-DX-D logo engraved:

and, of course, the EU-DX-D Diplom, with the relevant 50-point stickers (that is, 20 pieces x 50 points = 1000 points !!):

If you, too, want to check if you can apply for this nice set of trophies/awards, visit the related site of EU-DX-D Diplom here.

The EU-DX-D 1000 Trophy plaque and the EU-DX-D badge are also presented in "My Trophies" page in "My Pages" section at the right column of this blog.

Until the next one ...

73s from Rhodes Island

Stathis, SV5DKL

Monday, August 20, 2012

DARC Sea Of Peace Pennon has arrived !!

During my several awards/trophies applications through DARC DCL online system, Georg DL4SVA mentioned that maybe DARC - Mecklenburg Section's Sea Of Peace Pennon might interest me.

It did ...

And, after reading the rules here, I used the online tool available here to enter the required QSO data ... as simple as that !! In a week's time I received the so nice pennon in my mailbox. Just take a look below:

It is relatively easy to acquire this nice pennon, so go ahead and read the rules in the link above and check whether you are liable to apply for it.

Georg will help you throughout the whole process, if needed.

Tnx fer ur fine service, Georg!

Europa RTTY Diplom TROPHY serial number acquired !!

Following last week's post here's an update:

DARC DCL finalized the status of my application for the Europa RTTY Diplom (EURD) Trophy and provided for an online printout of the relevant paper award.

As you may notice, I've acquired Trophy nr. 125 and now I am waiting impatiently for it to arrive and decorate my Trophies shelf.

Thanks Peter for a great service!

Visit my blog frequently for a newer update with photos of the EURD Trophy itself !!