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Saturday, December 21, 2013

CQ WW SSB 2013 - Aftermath

Well ...

it is exactly like I described in the Comments field of my submitted log file ...
"Mom !! Can we please keep this propagation ??"

This time I enjoyed the most out of the best contest of the year.
It turned out that good propagation is the key to high scoring. Also, not going to sleep ;-)

Was actually awake for 44 out of 48 hours of the contest period, slept only 1 hour first morning Sunday hours, and had small intermediate breaks when not too busy.

Made in total 3.659 QSOs with 595 DXCC and 162 CQZ multipliers, ending up to a total claimed score of 4.649.494 points. Included are 15 dupe QSOs.

Here is my summary sheet:

Band / QSOs / Points / Multipliers / Total
160m / 104 / 127 / 50 / 6350
80m / 267 / 338 / 83 / 28054
40m / 479 / 676 / 120 / 81120
20m / 1022 / 1805 / 168 / 303240
15m / 723 / 1199 / 156 / 187044
10m / 1064 / 2026 / 175 / 354550

I worked in total 2635 unique callsigns, of which the following 16 were worked on all 6 contest HF bands:
II9P        D4C         ES9C        IG9Y        P3N         UP2L       
OM8A        A73A        3V7A        SP8R        9K2HN       UA4M       
LY7A        OK5W        DL0CS       SV9FBG

I`ve had some seriously fast pileups into this one. Here are my best rates:

The best 60 minute rate was 300/hour from 0950 to 1049
The best 30 minute rate was 318/hour from 0952 to 1021
The best 10 minute rate was 348/hour from 0957 to 1006

An audio file link of my best 10 minute rate can be found below:

                       In WAV format   -   In MP3 format

Moreover, the best 1 minute rates were as follows:

 7 QSOs/minute   15 times.
 6 QSOs/minute   52 times.
 5 QSOs/minute  118 times.
 4 QSOs/minute  179 times.
 3 QSOs/minute  227 times.
 2 QSOs/minute  329 times.
 1 QSOs/minute  582 times.

Another interesting statistic is the one counting the number of letters in callsigns:

Letters  # worked
   3        40
   4      1298
   5      1251
   6      1020
   7         5
   8        21
   9         4
  10         5

And here is my continental QSO dispersion for CQ WW SSB 2013:

----------------- C o n t i n e n t   S u m m a r y -----------------
                 160     80     40     20     15     10  Total    Pct
North America      0      6     29    244     95    215    589   16.2
South America      0      0      6     21     15     23     65    1.8
Europe            89    229    380    632    489    585   2404   66.0
Asia               8     24     46     81     91    196    446   12.2
Africa             4      6     12     21     21     25     89    2.4
Oceania            0      0      4     22     10     15     51    1.4
Total            101    265    477   1021    721   1059   3644

Finally, single band QSO dispersion was like this:

Band    160     80     40     20     15     10
QSOs     28     89    177    562    426    755

Now, for some graphics. There are 4 nice graphs in line depicting:
i) Worked CQZ per Time
ii) Worked DXCC per Time
iii) Worked Points per Time
iv) Worked QSOs per Time

And a nice mixed graph showing the Rates according to QSOs per band index:

Here`s a trendline of QSOs logged each hour:

And below comes a QSOs by band bar chart:

My initial objective was reached and overpassed. That was to set a, relatively difficult to break, record in SOAB(A)HP category for SV5 (Dodecanese).

In the CW part, I was thrilled to join the M/S team of SZ1A in Agrinio, Western Greece, where we set another record in M/S category for SV (Greece).
Further details on the official web site of SZ1A:

and a few pictures from our participation in this Picasa link:

One of my next plans in the agenda is to join another team of some of the best SSB contesters in Greece, in order to break the M/S record of CQ WPX SSB for SV (Greece) in coming March.



Saturday, November 9, 2013

DPRK (North Korea - P5 DXCC prefix) QSL card

While sorting out some direct incoming QSLs, I had to put in the QSL box a card from a P4 station.

And, here I came across, once again, that unique, one and only, possibly my most precious, QSL card of all times.

P5/4L4FN ... North Korea ... most wanted DXCC entity worldwide for so many years (with small interchanges with KP1 - Navassa) is still confirmed for my Athenian callsign SV1DKL since 2002, with the card sorted out in my QSL box. Why not share this with my readers?

So, here is the jewel of my QSL collection, which Ed, 4L4FN, cared to send me and make me happy:

I can still recall the pileup I witnessed that day on 15m. Thankfully, I was lucky enough to be one of the first ops to work Ed, before the mass concetrated.

Enjoy and 73!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

1700 DXCC Challenge points reached !! 1800 is ... ahead !!

At a previous post (, I had set a personal target, to reach 1700 DXCC challenge points in LotW until the end of 2013.

Well, that came early, as checking today's LotW DXCC totals, I was happy to 
see the number 1700 showing at lower right side.

This mainly derives from the majority of contest logs uploaded to LotW, after 
CQ WW SSB, that took place lasst weekend. Just think that before that, my DXCC Challenge totals was 1655 !!

Below is my SV5DKL DXCC Challenge totals as of 02 November 2013:

and here is the respective SV1DKL DXCC Challenge totals as of 02 November 2013:

Now aiming for the 1800 mark ... that shows up ahead ;-)

Stathis, SV5DKL 

A Blast ... !!!

CQ WW SSB 2013 is over. This time it was a real blast !!

I wish we had this kind of propagation each time.
I really did not hesitate taking part in SOAB(A) HP category, although I operated for a frantic 43 hours and 9 minutes, while sleeping only for 1 hour during the event.

Below is my contest summary:

Call: SV5DKL
Operator(s): SV5DKL
Station: SV5DKL

Class: SOAB(A) HP
QTH: Rhodes Island-EU001
Operating Time (hrs): 43:09`

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  101     8       42
   80:  265    13       70
   40:  477    26       94
   20: 1021    39      130
   15:  721    37      123
   10: 1059    39      136
Total: 3644   162      595  Total Score = 4,649,494
Of course, as you all already know, I am a statistics kind of guy, so in a few
days I am going to present here some very interesting statistics of this operation,
that help one make out the strategy and/or operation mistakes.
My obvious mistake was that I spent too much operating time hunting multipliers,
at periods where I could have easily had a 200+ QSO/hr runs. That resulted in more
mults, but less QSOs. With such good propagation, maybe I should have aimed 
for more 3-pointer QSOs, resulting to better points profit.
Moreover, all contest audio is recorded and will be uploaded to my searchable
contest audio database very soon, after editing.
Best rate was 300 QSOs in 60 minutes !!
Looking forward to the CW part, where I will be travelling to Western Greece, to 
join SZ1A Multi-single team.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hell is about to break loose ... CQ WW SSB 2013 !!


CQ WW RTTY was a nice warm-up. But, we've finally come to the best event of the best.

Next weekend we are all participating in CQ WW DX SSB 2013 Contest.

I've had several emails asking for potential skeds, during the contest, etc.

I arranged 0 (zero) skeds. I believe having a sked will make it more difficult to stick to the strategy plans. Maybe a few nice mults on 160m would be helpful to sked with, though.

Gentlemen, CQ WW SSB is ... WAR !! Speed and accuracy are what you need, combined with the best sleeping strategy you can get, as well as keeping up with propagation predictions.

Personally, I will participate in SOAB(A)HP category, under (TS) sub-category, which means, tireness, blazed vision on evening of day 2, taking the station to its limits and "fighting" with the best contesters worldwide.

For every potential participant, please try to respect the band plan and stick to the crucial points of DX Code of Conduct, for instance, if you don't hear the mult, don't call in vain making it harder for others that copy the mult, etc... , you will eventually get your chance, too.

All contest audio will be recorded and I am also thinking of streaming it together with the total scores window of my contest program. Keep returning to this post for any potential update, mentioning the stream's URL.

Many interesting calls will be aired during the contest. Have a good look at this URL: and mark your targets !!!

All of my contest QSOs will be uploaded to LotW, as always on Monday morning.

CU all on the air

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

TX5D ATNO in the log

TX5D is currently operating from Raivavae Island (OC-114) from Austral island DXCC entity (FO/A). Operations are scheduled to cease on October 14th.

Austral was a much missed ATNO for my logs. I hadn't even worked it with my old Athenian callsign SV1DKL, either.

So, it was a big chance to finally make at least one QSO for an all time new one for me.
Propagation was really funny to Austral and when TX5D was heard in EU, I was at work :-(

But, on October 8th, I woke up quite early, as usual when I have to go for my morning training, so I thought I'd have a look at the DX Cluster before leaving.
There was a spot for TX5D at 14.235 from a West Coast guy, but my tribander was already pointing there short-path, so I tuned in to check my luck ... TX5D was there with a strong 5/7 signal, which btw was the only one heard on 20m at that specific time (0216z).

Lit the linear and gave a shout 5 up ... TX5D op was as much surprised as I was when listening to him say "just the SV5 please" !!

That's it !!

QSO in the log and after me he went on working West Coast like crazy !! Afterwards, quite a few europeans had the chance to exchange RST with him, too.

Thankfully, SV5DKL has as of then 308 DXCC worked, whilst combined logs with SV1DKL show a total of 330 DXCC worked ... if only they counted in combination !!

Another ATNO will be aired (I hope, soon) from Wake Atoll under the callsign K9W. There has been a press release mentoning they are delayed due to the constrained US public sector, but I am sure they will overcome this obstacle, too !!

14th October 2013 Update:
TX5D worked also on 17m SSB !! Nice going ...

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

3rd GTC CW Cup this weekend ... Get Ready !!

Finally, the time has come for Greek Telegraphy Club's yearly fest.
This coming weekend, 5-6/10/2013 the 3rd GTC CW Cup will gather all of our members and friends together to a most enjoyable event.
Dust off your keyer and paddles and join in, we'll be so happy to hear you on.
Full details on the 3rd GTC CW Cup are posted at the official web site of GTC which you may find below:
From this year on, there will be special interest for the hunting of GTC's Club Station, SZ1SV, worth most points (100), which will be activated circularly throughout the event, from various locations of the Greek Territory.
CU on air

Monday, September 30, 2013

2013 CQ WW RTTY Contest Aftermath ... One down, two to go !!

It'd been a while since I last put a full-time effort on this one, but this year's CQ WW RTTY contest had it all .. good condx, lots of traffic, disciplined stations and on top of all, FUN!

My choice of category entry was decided on Friday evening, few hours before the start. Several weekend obligations wouldn't have permitted a full-time daytime presence on the bands, so from the low bands, 40m was selected. I entered the contest in the SOSB(A)/40 LP category, which seems to have worked OK for me.

It is, indeed, a real torture trying to survive your signal on 40m with just 95W and an Inv-L, even worse to handle a pile-up. Still, I managed to pull through quite well, making a considerable score of almost 165k points.

Here is my QSO summary in brief:

Contest: 2013 CQ WW RTTY
Callsign: SV5DKL
Category: SOSB(A)/40 LP
Claimed Score: 164328 points
40m QSOs: 601 (606 w/ dupes)
40m DXCCs: 73
40m Zones: 21
40m States/Provinces: 29
Hours on-air: 19.5 / 48

Considering the official records list of CQ magazine here, a good placement is expected for this entry.

My contest log analysis can be browsed through by clicking here.

CU in the SSB part from my QTH and in the CW part from SZ1A Contest Station in western Greece, where almost all of the best Greek CW ops will gather to try and set a new M/S (or M/2) record.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

2013 CQ WW RTTY contest next weekend ... contest season begins !!

Finally, after a hot summer with not so many DX thrills, nor even good 2m & up propagation in contrast with previous seasons, the famous fall contest season begins. And XZ1Z was a good DX warm-up ...

It all starts in coming weekend with the CQ WW RTTY Contest. Rules have changed (again!) and you if you intend to participate you should read them from the official site of CQ WW RTTY here.

Be careful !! From this year on, no 160m RTTY operation will be allowed, different country contacts within any continent (not just North America) get 2 points, Same-country contacts get 1 point and in M/S categories there will be a category discrimination between HP and LP stations. Also, the 10-minute rule for M/S entrants has transformed into a maximum allowable 8 band-changes per hour.


Rules are available in 13 different languages at and in there you will also be able to see all empty record sheets for your DXCC entity under "Records" tab, so this may make you set a new target for your potential participation.

For my part of the world in SV5-land, there are plenty of such target-setting choices, due to very low RTTY activity. Of course, I will participate and give out the (rare in RTTY) SV5 mult from Zone 20, aiming for a good result. My category of participation will be decided literally hours before the start of the contest, mainly due to other obligations to be taken care of during the contest weekend.

As always, all my contest QSOs will be uploaded to LotW, eQSL and Clublog, on Monday, September 30th. So, if you do miss SV5 in RTTY, or it is an ATNO for you, here is your chance to fill in those slots in your DXCC sheets, with no fuss of QSL cards, GSs, IRCs, paypal donations, OQRS, etc.

Any contest QSO sked is welcome and will be accepted until Friday, September 27th at 1800z. 

Quite a few stations from SV and SV9 will participate as well, and I wish them all Good Luck.

Contest season will proceed with the other two major CQ WWs, SSB part at the end of October (will do SOABHP targetting to a new personal record) and CW at the end of November (I will travel to Western Greece, where almost all of the best Greek CW operators will gather to assist SZ1A contest station set a new record for Greece, and why not, for Zone 20).

73 and enjoy contesting.

Monday, September 16, 2013

R.I.P. Panos ...

... Questions remaining unanswered forever ... a big WHY comes out of the lips as a plain reflex ... Why did HE want you near HIM, man? ... WHY ?? ...

A bright, brilliant and most promising young man and fellow amateur radio operator, Panos, is no longer in our vain world, due to a tragic accident.

My thoughts and prayers are with his father and the rest of his family.


Goodbye my friend. May our Lord have a better plan for you up there.

Monday, September 9, 2013

3rd GTC CW Cup Rules are announced

Rules and prerequisites of the 3rd Greek Telegraphy Club CW Cup have been announced on the official site of GTC here:
This year's rules have been updated, in order to give a more sophisticated and meritocratic character to the event.
It is worth mentioning that GTC's club station, SZ1SV, with member number GTC 1000, will be activated circularly from several territories of Greece. The activity of the club station from Attica region will use the callsign SZ1SV, while activities from other regions of Greece will use SZ1SV/SVx callsigns, where x=the number that corresponds to the respective Greek territory.
We will be present, of course, maintaining the good reputation this event has gained and giving out our membership number for a new mult to the participants.

Friday, September 6, 2013

2013 CQ WPX SSB Results published

These guys are getting better and better each year ... they have reduced the log-processing time of one of the major worldwide amateur radio contests in just under 5 months, while a few years before we were waiting impatiently for the CQ magazine to come out just before the respective contest, in order to find out our last year's participation ranking and final scores.

2013 CQ WPX SSB results are already published here:

Lots of interesting results this time for the 2013 CQ WPX SSB Contest. Many new Country records and great scores overall by experienced and non-experienced participants. The battle between WW & WPX still holds well, still my personal opinion is that WPX is much more demanding and needs much more sophisticated stragegy and planning. Moreover, the 36-hour limit for Single OPs is an added value for this contest, since the off-periods should always be well planned and depend on many factors, such as current score, current mult total, propagation parameters. I.e. you are more likely to achieve a better result when your off-periods allow for retaining your stamina during the 2nd half of the participation as well as they allow you to plan working S&P for far away mults, that are only going to be available for a very short period and maybe LP (for my case, specific Pacific station from z31 and z32, KL7 and West Coasters).

This year, I decided to devote to a low-band, mostly due to other important obligations during the daytime, so 80m sounded a great choice, both for testing my new low band antenna and also try to work a few new ones (I did !!).

I used my FT-2K barefoot at about 95w and the aerial was an Inv-L totalling 27,5m in length, fed by my antenna coupler and aided by 48 random length radials lying on the rooftop. Total participation time was 21,5 hours. With the help of DX Cluster and low noise due to low humidity, I got my best ever result on 80m in a major scale contest. Station performed flawlessly, Muprhy had a few days-off and all these led to a score reduction of just 3,9% and only 9 QSOs out of 719 were cancelled.

And here is the pay-off:

This was my first worldwide victory in any of the WW & WPX contests, so this certificate of merit made me very proud.

Current station setup is being re-tested, aligned and maintained so it will be ready for October's WW SSB contest. Category of participation will be decided literally before the start and will depend upon other matters to be taken care of.

CU there anyway !!


Monday, September 2, 2013

European CW Association Presidential Elections are over !!

In the middle of July, EUCW Association officials called for vote all ECMs (European Communication Managers) from EUCW club members, because the 3 year presidential period of former EUCW president, Ivan Ivanov, LZ1PJ had expired and according to EUCW statute, immediate actions should be taken to elect a new president after official elections.

Right to vote was given to all clubs that fulfilled specific requirements, such as number of members, presence in EUCW activities/events, etc.

As ECM of the Greek Telegraphy Club, I was called to vote for the new president, representing GTC vote.

Two courageous candidancies were proposed in time, one from G5VZ and the other from ON4LDL. Their bios were posted in EUCW official web site, in order for voting ECMs to evaluate their suitability for the presidential post.

Voting process was administered by Don Field, G3XTT as an Election Returns Officer and monitored by Martin, IK2RMZ. Votes were being accepted via e-mail to Don, during timeframe 1-31 August 2013.

16 EUCW member clubs' votes were received by Don during this timeframe and amongst them were votes from clubs that updated their membership numbers.

Yesterday, September 1st, 2013, the final results were reported by Don and the winner of the election process was G5VZ, Chris Pearson by 15 votes to 1 that went to ON4LDL, Robert Michaux.

G5VZ's role is quite demanding and vital in order to preserve CW activity among EUCW and its club members.

As ECM of GTC, I'd like to express my best wishes to Chris for the hard work he has taken over and my belief that he will pull through and stand up to the special requirements of the role of the President of the European CW Association.


Stathis, SV5DKL
E.C.M. - G.T.C.
G.T.C. #028
GTC CW Cup Contest Manager

11th World HST Championship - Borovets, Bulgaria - BULLETIN No. 3

Here is the official bulletin no. 3 we just received from BFRA, concerning latest details and infos on the 11th World Championship in High Speed Telegraphy to be held during 22-26 September 2013 in Borovets, Bulgaria:

International Amateur Radio Union Region 1

Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs


11th World High Speed Telegraphy Championship

22-26 September 2013

Borovets, Bulgaria


Bulletin No 3

(1 September 2013)


IMPORTANT! Before the Championship starts the organizers need:


1. List of the participants & photos for ID bags


Please, send not later than 15 September list of all the participants from your society/country (competitors, team leaders, referees, visitors, etc.) with the names and call signs as well as their photos, needed for ID bags. Specify the category or position of everyone (competitors = A – I, team leaders = T, referees = R, the rest = V. Photos to be in jpg format. Send the above by e-mail to or


2. Arrival Information


If your team arrives by plane or train, which means you will need transfer to Borovets and back, please fulfill the table bellow and send it to or not later than 15 September.


Team of (society, country)
Arrival date
Arrival time
Flight No
Number of the persons that need transfer
Departure date
Departure time


How to get Hotel Rila?

From Sofia take the direction to Samokov (62 km) and after reaching Samokov continue to Borovets (8 km).



After entering Borovets take right on the first split and you will soon see Hotel Samokov on left side. Go round it (counterclockwise) and will reach Hotel Rila.


Time table of the Championship:


22 September (Sunday) Arrival, Accommodation, Opening

Till 18:00 Arrival and accommodation

18:00 – 19:00 Official opening

19:00 – 20:00 Dinner

20:30 – 22:00 Team Leaders meeting

22:00 – 22:30 Referees meeting;


23 September (Monday) Competition

07:30 – 09:00 Breakfast

                        09:00 – 13:00 Competition

                        13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

                        14:00 – 18:00 Competition

19:00 – 20:00 Dinner

                        20:30 Awarding


24 September (Tuesday) Competition

07:30 – 09:00 Breakfast

                        09:00 – 13:00 Competition

                        13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

                        14:00 – 18:00 Competition

19:00 – 20:00 Dinner

                        20:30 Awarding


25 September (Wednesday) Day-off, Hamfest

08:30 – 09:30 Breakfast

                        10:00 Busses start; Excursion to Sofia, Packet lunch

17:30 Busses arrive back in Borovets

19:00 Awarding

20:30 Dinner with Hamfest (banquet)


26 September (Thursday) Departure

08:30 – 09:30 Breakfast


BFRA is looking forward to meeting you soon.

It will be very interesting to see the participations in all categories and in particular, I am waiting to see the MorseRunner official results.
Sadly, I couldn't attend this year's event due to other more important obligations.
However, plans are being made to be present in next year's 2nd Balkan HST Championship in Romania.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Though it`s still vacation season, paperwork is constantly arriving !!

Yup !!

A big thanks should go to Don, G3XTT, for working hard all year round to implement RSGB IOTA results and awards stuff.

Below is what Don sent me as a nice reward for my efforts in 2012`s RSGB IOTA Contest:

,which is a great result for me considering the effort I put into it.

I promise to do my best also in the next years`RSGB IOTA Contests from Rhodes, EU-001 and aim for top place in the rankings.

Monday, August 5, 2013

EU HF Championship 2013 by SCC

Slovenia Contest Club (SCC) organized again a fine contesting event, the European HF Championship 2013, which despite being held in a contest-reluctant period, it yet attracts hundreds of participants ... including myself.

I only took part for a few hours into a part-time participation, since Mojitos by the seaside were calling for me all day long ;-)

Joined the SOMBLP SSB category and managed to reach 231 QSOs, working quite a few mults, as well.

Oldest licensee that checked in my log has been an amateur since 1955 !! Good going, OM !!

Filled in all intermediate years from 1967 to 2013, so very nice indeed to see participation from all age ranges.

Below is a EU map of my QSO dispersion:

and here is a link to the respective .KML file, for any reference:
All contest audio has been recorded by Writelog for Windows, and is available through a searchable contest audio database, clicking the following link:
Enjoy Contesting !!