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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

3rd GTC CW CUP final results published

The final results of the 3rd Greek Telegraphy Club (GTC) CW Cup have been announced today at the Official Web site of RAAG and GTC.
In particular, you may view the initially claimed scores here, the UBN reports after submitted logs' analysis here, and the final scores here.
Congratulations to the trophy winners of the two participation categories, as well as to everyone that participated in this enjoyable event.
We are looking forward to organizing an even more enjoyable 4th GTC CW Cup, during the first weekend of coming October (4-5/10/2014).
Stathis Maliakis, SV5DKL
E.C.M. - G.T.C.
G.T.C. #028
G.T.C. CW Cup Contest Manager

Monday, June 16, 2014

6m short skip Es made for my #101 DXCC (Z3)

Yesterday it was a challenging day for 6m. Es clouds everywhere, short skip present, long distance contacts easy at the same time ... fantastic!

I hadn't worked Z3 on 6m, although we are very close. But, yesterday's opening gave me 3 QSOs with Z3 stations, Z30U in SSB and Z35T & Z35Z in CW, for my DXCC entity #101 on 6m.

Between these QSOs, British stations were also quite strong here, worked a dozen of them, most of which were EIs. Kept monitoring the band for any transatlantic QSO, but it did not happen.

What was also very interesting was the fact that I worked an EA8 who was stronger when beaming to the North Pole (almost 90 deg. off his QTF) and a few Ukrainians that were stronger when beaming to Southwestern Europe (almost 80 deg. off their QTF).

Looks like we are having a somewhat unstable but very active 6m season.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Amateur Radio and Google's Street View

Google has implemented an interesting feature amongst its Services, called Street View.

Google's special cars equipped with panoramic roof-top cameras have driven all main roads of 77 countries until today, leading to a quite spectacular result.

Here is a view of my home QTH, with my antennas up on the roof:

Of course, some things have changed since the specific frame was captured, but you can get the main theme, anyway !!
Check for yourself whether your amateur radio setup has been "captured" by Google's photo lens and if it looks nice at