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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

FT8 / FT4 Robotic QSO Software New Version is now available

Hoping that the Dev Team will stabilize, with regard to the software version available, here is the latest FT8 / FT4 Robotic QSO Software version, designed
for the, currently, latest version of the American-made Suite, found on eBay:


PE4BAS, Bas said...

Hello Stathis, what does this software offer? Would like to have some details. I already knew you sold it but just curious...Is it different from WSJT-Z for instance? Does it work with macro like you did in the past? 73, Bas

Efstathios Maliakis, SV5DKL said...

Hi there, Bas.
This software has the same functionality with previous version, but the algorithms for "broken" or "missed" QSOs are far more advanced now.
Furthermore, it is designed specifically for version 2.2.2 of "main" application.
It does not work with macros, rather it uses smart techniques to get ahold of the "main" app UI.
Tom has done a great job with WSJT-Z, but he has tangled with the original source code a lot, which is something I am always avoiding.
I do have a custom-made version of my robot, with far more advanced filtering than Tom's, in fact, it is award-targetted,e.g. filtering by missing DOKs, Oblasts, IOTAs, WAZ or WAS per band, etc.
However, this version, although working perfectly, is not publicly available, and I do not use it myself, it was made up just for experimentation. In any case, I am not interested in claiming award credits of any sort, that derive from FTx contacts.