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Monday, March 25, 2013

100 DXCC entities on 160m ... at last !!

Looks like the new low band antenna system is working great.
In the last 45 days 10 new ones have been worked on 160m, where until now, I couldn't get on-air decently.

Living in a block of apartments within the boundaries of a city doesn't make for enough space or low man-made noise for 160m operations. Still, I managed to erect a 27,5m Inverted-L with 56 random length radials on the rooftop, which made the difference !!

Finally, I can hear DX on 160m and they can copy my signal, too !!

Last DXCC worked this morning on 160m SSB was Pedro NP4A, summing my TopBand`s worked entities to 100 !! Tnx, Pedro.

Pedro is also using LotW, so now I am waiting for his confirmation.
With NP4A in the log, 9BDXCC has been achieved and in the following summer, I intend to devote some time on 6m, where I also didn't have a decent antenna system until recently, in order to also reach at least 100 DXCC entities in the "Magic Band" and get achieve the most-wanted target of 10BDXCC.

If you need SV5 (Dodecanese) on 6m, send me an e-mail in order to arrange a sked, especially if you live in a rare DXCC entity !!

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